Community Service
Australian Rotary Health
Australian Rotary Health is a multi-district project of Rotary in Australia and is supported by most clubs and Rotarians. Australian Rotary Health has made available almost $20 million in medical/health research - in Australia. The Fund has invested in research projects such as cot death, adolescent health, environmental health problems of the aged, and family health, as well as the Ross River virus, malaria, bowel cancer screening and pre-hospital, first aid and emergency care research. The research and programs that Australian Rotary Health are involved with are as follows;
Cot death
Adolescent health
Environmental health problems of the aged
Family health
Ross River virus,
Bowel cancer screening
Mental Illness Research
Pre-hospital, first aid and emergency care research
Funding Partners – Research in all health areas
Mental Health Research Scholarships
New Rural Health Evaluation Grants
Scholarships for Indigenous Australians
Rural Health Medical and Nursing Scholarships
Bowelscan is a Rotary Community Service program, developed in 1982 in District 9640 and now conducted by more than 300 Rotary clubs across Australia.
Bowelscan is essentially a public awareness program seeking to increase community knowledge of bowel cancer and its symptoms. The project involves the distribution to the public of a simple test kit on which is collected small specimens of faeces for analysis.
The Rotary Club of Forest Lake actively supports the Bowelscan project by distributing kits via local pharmacies.
Computers for Kids
To enable provision of computers to disadvantaged students and needy community groups, this program links commercial providers with Rotarians skilled in updating and repairing redundant computer hardware.
Rotary Club members including Rotaractors, and volunteers university undergraduate students and professionals also help on working bees. The project has Microsoft Approved Refurbisher status allowing installation Microsoft Windows XP operating system and Microsoft Office 2003 software for a token fee; or public domain ‘Ubuntu’, a Linux based operating system and Open Office software, free.
They are donated on receipt of verified requests to individuals with disabilities ; special needs; unemployed people trying to regain or update employable skills; needy secondary students (Yr 10/11/ 12 and occasionally at upper primary level) who would benefit academically but cannot afford a computer; and to Rotary International approved Educational, Community and Vocational projects locally and overseas.
Emergency Medical Information Book
The ‘Emergency Medical Information Book’ contains all your information and medical records which are needed if or when an ambulance is called, and you need to be transported to a hospital.
When paramedics are called, a typical scenario is that distraught family members may be unable to give correct details of the patient’s condition, or the medication they may be on. The paramedics physically have to collect all the patients medication in the house, try and obtain a medical history and take it to the hospital with the patient. This small book contains patient contacts, service or carer provider information, medications and any medical condition, so a paramedic is able to treat and ready a patient for transport to a hospital.
Interplast Australia & New Zealand provide surgical and allied health services in developing countries in the Asia Pacific region by providing free medical treatment and training. Each member of an Interplast program is fully qualified in their field of expertise and VOLUNTEER their time to participate in an Interplast program
Interplast volunteers provide free treatment to people living with a disability from a congenital condition such as cleft lip and palate, or an acquired condition such as burn scar contractures. Treatment is targeted to the indigent population who would otherwise not be able to afford to access services
Interplast assists with developing local capacity to provide surgery and ancillary services by providing training and mentoring programs for medical and allied health professionals. All Interplast programs are training programs — leaving a legacy long after the team has gone
Probus is an association for active retirees who join together in clubs, the basic purpose of which is to provide regular opportunities for them to keep their minds active, expand their interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.
Rotary District Peace Communities Program
Peace Communities are founded on the ideal of Community Service. The promotion and support of projects encouraging the rejection of violence, the resolution of conflict, and the promotion of community harmony are supported. Projects that advance tolerance, improve understanding and further peace within the home and neighbourhood, are particularly important to Communities. These are the pathways to peace in the wider arena.
Rotary Environmental Action Plan (REAP)
The aim of the plan is to encourage clubs to support at least one environmental project. The district committee will act as a resource to assist with specific programs, and provide suggestions for projects and methods of implementation.